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#108 : Autant en emporte le vent

Ava s'inquiète de plus en plus de la relation que Bradin entretient avec sa petite amie Sarah, mais même s'il envisage de rompre avec elle, il trouve l'idée plus difficile qu'il ne le pensait. De son côté, Derrick interprète mal une embrassade entre Susannah et Johnny lors d'une sortie en camping.


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Autant en emporte le vent

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Plus de détails

Réalisateur: Harry Winer
Scénaristes: Jon Cowan, Robert Rovner
Guests: Sara Paxton (Sarah), Abigail Mavity (Martha McFarlane), Jack Howard (Tate)

Episode opens to Nikki sitting on the couch reading in the living room

(Derrick comes running in with camping gear in his hands with Johnny right behind him)

Derrick: Hey Nikki, look at all this stuff

(Nikki doens't look up from her book)

Derrick: Nikki!

Johnny: Hey (Johnny pulls the book "Gone with the Wind" down) Big guy's talking to you

Nikki: Oh I'm sorry it's just that this book is fantastic.

Johnny: Let's get out of here rock dog. We've got to clean this stuff up man. It's been a while since your aunt and I went climbing

Derrick: Did you guys really climb up Kapitown mountain in (Something)

Johnny: That we did.

Derrick: Jeez it must have been awesome

(Ava appears)

Ava: Terrifying is the word I'd use. Did I say that?

Johnny: Yeah

Ava: Exhilerating is what I meant.

Johnny: Yeah

Ava: That was a very special week though wasn't it?

Johnny: Oh like you said. Exhilerating.

Nikki: Why anyone would want to climb a mountain is beyond me.

Johnny: Because it's there.

Ava: Nikki, why don't you go with us to ganit rock tomorrow?

Nikki: Well I want to finish this book and I've decided that roughing it really isnt' for me

(Susannah comes down the stairs)

Susannah: Girl after my own heart.

Ava: Oh come on you two. Ganit rock is an astounding work of nature you don't know what you're missing.

Susannah: Please, roughing it for me is staying in a 4 star hotel

Nikki: I hear ya!

Ava: Don't forget about our spa date today

Nikki: I don't have to get naked do I?

Ava: For a facial? No.

(Ava walks away)

(Jay walks in with Erika wrapped around him and they're kissing. They stop when they see Nikki)

Jay: Oh, sorry

Nikki: Did you say something?

Jay: Not a word, did you?

Erika: You're reading "Gone with the Wind"? That's weird. Me too

Nikki: Oh that is so cool

Erika: Don't you think Scarlett can be-

Nikki: Oh I know! But don't you just love her?

Erika: Yeah but I feel sorry for Manny, she um has no idea about Ashley.

Nikki: See I think that she does. She's just in total denial.

Erika: Totally. I gotta go

(Jay and Erika kiss)

Erika: And you...I will see later

Nikki: Just like Rhett and Scarlett.

Scene goes to Jay and Bradin in the shop

Bradin: Hey Jay, thanks for letting me split early today. I appreciate it.

Jay: No problem at all. So you got that Bryan Adams concert huh?

Bradin: Yeah you got it.

Jay: So I heard that thing was completely sold out

Bradin: Well, Sarah's got connections.

Jay: I love those connections.

Bradin: Yeah

Jay: So uh, things are pretty tight between you two huh?

Bradin: Uhhh yeah uh maybe. Who knows. We'll see

(Bradin leaves the shop and he hears girls laughing and giggling. He turns around and sees Sarah)

(Bradin walks over)

Bradin: Hi.

Sarah: Hey you

(She kisses him)

Sarah: Happy coincidence?

Bradin: I work right next door Sarah. You know that. What are you doing here?

Sarah: Just sucking down a triple berry smoothie. Why?

Bradin: Bryan Adams concert. You got us tickets. Your friend at the broker gets you whatever you need.

Sarah: Oh, I was supposed to do that wasn't I?

Bradin: Sarah we've been talking about it for like a week.

Sarah: I'm really sorry. Really I am. Could you ever in a million years forgive me?

Bradin: Yeah yeah, I guess.

Sarah: C'mon, hang out with us.

Bradin: Look no, no no. I'll see you tomorrow then? At noon. (Sarah looks confused) Sailing? On your friend's scooner. I bet you forgot that one too didn't ya?

Sarah: Sorry

Bradin: I know. You're sorry. It's cool

(Bradin gives her a straight face and then walks away)

Sarah: Bradin

Scene goes to Martha and Derrick out on the back patio with all the climbing gear

Derrick: It's a perfect plan. There we are at the campsite after a full day of climbing, I pretend to be exhausted and go to sleep. Which leaves Johnny and Aunt Ava alone.

Martha: Under the stars

Derrick: Remembering how much they used to like each other

Martha: So romantic

Derrick: I know, it took me weeks to come up with this scheme.

Martha: How do you know it's gonna work?

Derrick: Well the way they look at each other, talk to each other, it's so obvious that they were meant to be.

Martha: Sometimes it's just the way it is isn't it?

Derrick: Yep, just like my mom and dad.

Martha: So if they got together they would be like your new mom and dad

Derrick: Now you're catching on

Scene goes to Ava and Nikki walking on the pier

Ava: Hey what are you in the mood for? Surf and Turf or just turf?

Nikki: Hmm surf. Protein with a (something? lol)

Ava: You know Nikki, I think you watch too much discovery channel.

(They laugh and look up to see Erika kissing another guy)

Scene goes to Nikki and Ava in Nikki's room

Nikki: She's cheating on him! How much more obvious could it be?

Ava: We know what we think we saw.

Nikki: Erika in a lip lock with someone who wasn't Jay.

Ava: Nikki, I-I know, I was there.

Nikki: So you think there's some sort of explanation?

Ava: Oh I think there's definately an explanation. Look, the bottom line is we can't get in the middle of Jay's personal life. I know Jay pretty well. He and Erika might have some kind of arrangement.

Nikki: Arrangement?

Ava: Meaning that they might be okay with...dating other people

Nikki: With the way that he looks at her? No way.

Ava: We don't know that. And if we tell Jay what we saw or what we think we saw......the point is it's none of our business. So we're going to keep this to ourselves. Deal?

Nikki: Deal

(They shake hands)

Later that night Bradin is on his bed reading when there's a knock on the door

(It's Sarah on the balcony)

(Bradin walks out onto the patio)

Bradin: What are you doing here?

(Sarah kisses him)

Bradin: Sarah!

Sarah: Rescuing you!

Bradin: What are you talking about?

Sarah: Come away with me

Bradin: No look, everybody is sleeping.

Sarah: Are they?

(Sarah turns on her CD player really loud and Bradin struggles to grab it)

Bradin: Are you crazy?

Sarah: Bryan Adams concert. I'm making it up to you.

Bradin: My little brother is asleep.

(She turns the radio off)

Sarah: You're sexy when you panic

Bradin: Sarah, please go

Sarah: I miss you

Bradin: Look, I miss you too. But now is not a good time

Sarah: Suit yourself romeo.

(Sarah goes to climb over the balcony but almost falls)

Bradin: Sarah!

Sarah: Psych! But it's nice to know you really do care about me

(She kisses him)

(Bradin goes back into the bedroom and then we see Ava looking out the window

Scene goes to Johnny, Ava, and Susannah in the kitchen the next morning

Susannah: You have to admit. Atleast she's got really good taste in music. Bryan Adams is pretty awesome.

Ava: Something's not right. There's something wrong with this picture

Johnny: Well let me frame it for you here. She's a pretty little rich girl with too much time on her hands and no supervision.

Susannah: Do you think people said the same thing about me?

Ava + Johnny: Yes

Susannah: Rude

Ava: Do you think I should talk to him? Forbid him from seeing her?

Johnny + Susannah: No

Ava: Well go ahead. Give that some thought for a mintue.

Susannah: Okay, when your father says don't see that boy who's the first boy you want to see?

Johnny: I think that would have been me.

Ava + Susannah: Yeah

Johnny: Alright, well relax. You're gonna go camping with Derrick and me-

Ava: Ohhh.

Johnny: Ohhh? Ava, Derrick's been looking forward to this for weeks.

Ava: I know but with Bradin and with everything that's been going on I really think I should stay here. But Susannah could go.

Susannah: No no no no no no no no no.

Ava: C'mon, what happened to we're in this together?

Susannah: What happened to me only liking 5 star hotels?

Ava: Could be really good for your soul

Susannah: And really bad for my feet

Ava: Think about it! Frest air-

Susannah: Bugs

Ava: Far away from civilization.

Susannah: Where wild animals scavage for fresh meat.

Ava: Please Susannah

Susannah: No, do not do that-give me the eyes

Johnny: Alright girls, you know what it's no big deal. I'll take him. We'll have some real guy time. We'll hunt, fish, that is if he's emotionally strong enough to handle being rejected by 2 parental figures in one day.

Ava: Oh

Susannah: Okay fine. Fine. Fine. I'll do it.

Scene goes to Johnny, Jay, Ava, Nikki, Susannah, Erika, Bradin, and Derrick all out for brunch

Erika: I really hate to go but I've got lessons guys.

Jay: Oh

(Jay and Erika kiss)

Jay: Well I'll um see you later?

(Ava and Nikki look at each other)

Erika: Let's play it by ear. I was going to meet up with Sherri and the gang. Catch up you know?

Jay: Sure.

Erika: Come meet us later if you want.

Jay: Ah let's just play it by ear

Erika: What afraid you're going to be surrounded by too much chicks or something?

Jay: No, I just thought that we could...do something.

Erika: Don't worry about that

(Erika leaves)

Ava: Well there's a new look for Jay Robertson

Jay: There's no look

Ava: Hmmm

Jay: What look?

Ava: Never mind

Jay: What look?

Ava: Oh c'mon admit it. You're in love

Jay: Love?

Johnny: Big time.

Jay: I don't think so. I mean Erika and I are...close. Very very close. But it's not love.

Ava: So there's no exclusivity involved.

Jay: I honestly haven't thought about it. I'm more of a moment to moment kind of guy. Can you pass the salt?

Ava: (Ava looks at Nikki) Moment to moment.

Jay: Whatever will be will be.

(Sarah shows up)

Sarah: Hey Bradin

Bradin: Sarah uh, what are you doing here?

Sarah: Sailing? I thought we had a date.

Ava: Where were you two going?

Sarah: We were going to sail down towards Demarko on my friend's dad's boat.

Derrick: Cool

Sarah: You're Derrick right?

Derrick: That's me!

Sarah: You want to come with us?

Derrick: Can I?

Ava: Uh well

Bradin: He's got plans, why don't I just call you later Sarah?

Sarah: You're Bradin's aunt Ava. He talks about you so much I feel like I know you. I'm Sarah Bordin.

Ava: Well I've heard alot about you as well Sarah

Johnny: And your boombox

Sarah: Sorry about that. I guess I'm just a hopeless romantic. Bradin brings that out in me.

Ava: Well that's nice but it is dangerous, that trelace is very old.

Sarah: Won't happen again. I promise. So you coming?

Bradin: Um

Sarah: If that's okay with you Ms Greggory

Bradin: Why don't we just do it another time?

(Bradin is extremely irritated throughout this whole scene)

Sarah: Sure, no biggy.

(Sarah walks away)

Scene goes to Erika surfing

(Erika comes running in and sees Nikki with a surf board and in a swimsuit)

(Erika laughs)

Erika: Is it halloween?

Nikki: What? Oh the wet suit, right. No, um, I was just thinking that um it's time that I learned.

Erika: But you hate surfing. It's for burnt out losers, and wannabes, who have nothing better to do with their time than pretending that standing on a piece of figerglass is a sport. Jay happened to mention what you said.

Nikki: Oh ah sorry about that. I tend to so that...criticise things I know nothing about. But I saw you out there the other day and you looked pretty good.

Erika: Me?

Nikki: Yeah and I always thought it was a guys sport but-

Erika: Oh c'mon give it a shot. I've got half an hour free...first lesson's on the house. We'll just test out the water first

Nikki: Okay

(They go out into the ocean)

Scene goes to Bradin closing down the shop

(He turns out the light and there's a knock on the glass door. It's Sarah)

Bradin: We're closed.

Sarah: I need to talk to you.

Bradin: I'm not so sure I need to talk to you Sarah.

Sarah: Bradin!

Bradin: Look, you blew me off. Three times. And now you're sort of stalking me it's getting weird.

Sarah: I was hardly stalking you. Okay, maybe I have been stalking you. A little. I'm sorry. I just wanted to say what I should have said the other night on your balcony. About being an obnoxious idiot.

(Bradin goes and unlocks the glass door)

Sarah: I'm sorry I didn't put you first. And I'm sorry I screwed up the Bryan Adams concert and the sailing and...I guess it's this thing I do. Letting people get close and then I get scared. But I think you're really great and I'm sorry I screwed things up first because ...I really like you Bradin. I do. And I would really like to make it up to you.

Bradin: You would?

Sarah: I would.

Bradin: Any ideas?

Sarah: Trust me. I've got plenty of ideas

(They kiss)

Sarah: You want to hear another one of my ideas?

Bradin: Hmmm what do you have in mind?

Scene goes to Johnny, Derrick, and Susannah out in the desert.

Johnny: Oh yeah, I think right over here's going to be good. Nice and isolated. I say right about here huh? Let's go. Looks like the perfect spot. We can set up camp.

Susannah: Would you be so kind to point out the direction of the powder room?

Johnny: Powder room? Yeah uh...(He goes over and picks up a leaf)

Susannah: And this is what?

Johnny: Toilet paper. Ladies room is right over there

Susannah: Surely you jest.

Johnny: Nope.

Susannah: Oh

Derrick: Uh, Johnny, I think you just gave her poison ivy.

Susannah: What?!

(Johnny laughs)

Susannah: It's not funny!

Johnny: That was a good one man

Susannah: It is mean and cruel.

Johnny: Alright, alright, ladies room is over there. See I told you it would be fun to bring Susannah huh.

Derrick: Not really.

Johnny: Come on now. Grab that.

Derrick: I wanted it to be all of us. Aunt Ava, you, and me. Susannah's nice and all but she doesn't know the first thing about camping.

Johnny: That's why it's going to be so fun to mess with her. Your aunt Ava was the same way her first time.

Derrick: I was hoping we would be able to spend some time together. Like a family.

Johnny: We are a family D. All of us. Together. And the proof of that is Susannah enduring her worst night mare. Being out here without room service. To come with us because your aunt Ava needed to be at home. That's what families do my man.

Susannah: Oh my god!! They have a shower. With hot water. (she gives the thumbs up)

(Derrick looks at Johnny and Johnny rolls his eyes)

Scene goes to Erika and Nikki walking out of the water

Nikki: How do you make it look so easy?

Erika: Practice. You'll get there.

Nikki: I did not even get up on the board.

Erika: Tomorrow's another day.

Nikki: Speaking of which. Here's the thing I don't get about GWTW

Erika: Say what?

Nikki: Gone with the Wind. That's what they call it in the chatrooms. How could Scarlett be with Rhett when she clearly loves Ashley.

Erika: Because Rhett's hot.

Nikki: Yes but seriously. If she loves Ashley then why doesn't she just cheat on him?

Erika: She's not cheating on him she's just trying to figure out what she wants.

Nikki: Yes but she has Rhett. She should just leave Ashley alone and then nobody will get hurt.

Erika: Wow, you're really getting into this. Maybe you should just-

(Erika stops when she sees a guy approaching. *the same guy that she was kissing on the pier*)

Erika: You know what? Actually, I should get back to the shop.

Guy: Hey Erika. How you doing?

Guy: (To Nikki) Hi, I'm Tate.

Nikki: Nikki

Tate: Hey nice to meet you. (To Erika) So listen, I'm about ready to go hit these waves, you want to join me?

Erika: Actually I was going to get back to the surf shop.

Tate: Okay then. We'll do it later

Erika: Let's play it by ear

Tate: Alright. (To Nikki) Nice meeting you

(Tate walks away)

Nikki: Is he a friend of yours?

Erika: Sort of. Just a guy I used to date. You know how that is it's...awkward.

Nikki: Right

Erika: Right

Nikki: Awkward

Scene goes to Johnny trying to get the stove working

Derrick: I'm hungry.

Johnny: I know you are there bud. And I am going to get this thing lit.

Derrick: It's been over an hour

Johnny: Shhhh

Susannah: I know men don't like asking for help for directions but uh-

Johnny: I got it! Okay? I'm gonna get it.

Susannah: Just let me know

Johnny: (Getting frustrated) I got it.

Susannah: I don't think you boys appreciate me. Well don't jump up and down trying to refute that. Well if you are hungry, princess Susannah did to pack a few goodies.

Johnny: Goodies?

(Derrick goes running over to her)

Johnny: Wait wait wait don't! Wait wait! It could be a trap.

Susannah: Smoked Samon, smoked turkey, french bread, assorted cheeses, fruit, oh and chocolate covered double stuffed cookies. You boys weren't hungry were you?

Derrick: I call those cookies

Johnny: No way dude.

(Johnny and Derrick go jumping in the tent)

Scene goes to Nikki walking over to Jay's room

(She knocks on the door)

(Jay opens the door)

Jay: Hey, looks like I got an audience. I do requests. Come in. Everything alright?

Nikki: Yeah, fine.

Jay: C'mon out with it.

Nikki: Well I know that it's probably none of my business..

Jay: But...

Nikki: Erika's seeing her ex boyfriend.

Jay: Excuse me?

Nikki: Her ex boyfriend. I think that they're...you know. And I just thought that I should tell you

Jay: She told you this?

Nikki: Well not exactly.

Jay: She not exactly told you she was seeing her ex boyfriend?

Nikki: No well I mean, aunt Ava and I saw them kissing on the pier the other day and then I just met him with Erika

Jay: Whoa whoa, you mean you and Ava (moves towards Nikki and she backs up out of the room) knew this and neither of you bothered to tell me anything?

Nikki: Well we we didn't think that...we weren't sure...and then aunt Ava wasn't sure that we should tell you and then a-a-and...

Jay: So you knew this before we had brunch together?

Nikki: Yeah

Jay: Yeah

(Jay shuts the door)

Scene goes to Bradin and Sarah running around on the beach

(They kiss)

Sarah: I bet I could beat you to the point

Bradin: You think so?

(They go running towards a group of people that are having a fire on the beach)

Sarah: Sweet!!

(Sarah goes running over to a jetski that is docked on the beach. She hops on)

Bradin: Sarah. Sarah are you crazy? What are you doing?

Sarah: Like they're paying attention. C'mon hot shot. Live a little.

(They get on and take off)

Scene goes back to Susannah and Johnny camping

Johnny: Wait until you tast this huh.. You'll love it. Brew Johnny style. There you go.

(Johnny sits down beside Susannah in a lawn chair)

Johnny: Chairs were a good idea

Susannah: Yes, roughing it does not mean discomfort.

Johnny: You can take the girl out of the city-

Susannah: Hey hey hey hey, I think I've proofed my self. And I built my own tent by myself.

Johnny: Pitched. Pitched the tent

Susannah: Whatever.

(Johnny says an entire sentence that i do not catch)

Susannah: This is nice

Johnny: And you didn't want to come

Susannah: I did actually. It's just that when it was you Derrick and Ava I thought you know...

Johnny: What?

Susannah: I was a little jealous.

Johnny: What?!

Susannah: I mean this whole situation with the kids...It's great I love them but...

Johnny: But what?

Susannah: Well Ava's the mom, I mean it's her family. And you're kind of the dad

Johnny: No, I am not the dad

Susannah: You are so the dad

Johnny: No

Susannah: It's good, you're great with them

Johnny: Yeah, scary.

Susannah: And Jay's like the fun loving older brother like the wacky uncle

Johnny: Yeah surfing's....(something)

Susannah: Exactly. I still don't know exactly where I fit in.

Johnny: You don't know where you fit in? You're the glue

Susannah: Yeah, right.

Johnny: No no no no, Ava's definately got the lead and I...do what I can and Jay well he's on phase when it comes to the kids. But who's holding us all together? Who's Ava's rock? Who's the one Nikki can talk to? Who is the cool one who nobody thinks will be judgemental? Let me tell you who...you. The kids need that. We need that.

Susannah: I don't know...that..

Johnny: Hey (He kneels down infront of her) We could not do this without you.

(Derrick wakes up at this moment)

Susannah: Thank you.

(They kiss and hug)

(Derrick is upset)

Scene goes to Sarah and Bradin on the jetski

Sarah: Woooohooooooo

Bradin: Sarah!! Sarah you need to stop right now.

Sarah: No! We need to go off that way!

Bradin: This is crazy!

Sarah: That's the point isn't it.

Bradin: Sarah!

Sarah: Wooohoooo

Bradin: Sarah! Sarah stop!

(They go up onto the shore)

Sarah: Yes!

Bradin: Sarah!

(They're surrounded by the police)

Guy in helicopter: Hold it right there!

Scene goes to Ava folding towels in the upstairs room

(Jay comes upstairs)

Ava: Hey

(Jay keeps walking)

Ava: Jay?

Jay: Nikki told me about what you saw.

Ava: I'm sorry, It's just that given your history and given Erika's history...and what we saw we saw from a distance.

Jay: I just wish you would have told me Ava.

Ava: Jay, I didn't want to over react. I mean you know what the imagination of a 13 year old girl can be like.

Jay: His name is Tate. He and Erika were pretty tight for a while. I guess they still are.

Ava: Seems to me you care about Erika a little more than you think.

Jay: I don't know what I think.

Scene goes to Nikki outside on the upstairs porch.

(Ava comes out)

Ava: Nikki! I thought we had a deal.

Nikki: We did I know but we were wrong about Erika I mean, I met the guy and what we saw was something.

Ava: And just how did you meet him?

Nikki: Well I was with Erika and she introduced me.

Ava: Oh so that's your sudden interest in surfing. You're playing detective.

Nikki: It worked.

Ava: Being her friend under false pretences? Nikki I have to tell you. I'm really disappointed. I thought that we could trust each other

Nikki: Don't you think that Jay has a right to know?

Ava: Well I wanted to get the full story first Nikki, but since you thought you knew best now I'll never have that chance.

Nikki: But I had proof.

Ava: And you knew what I would say which is why you didn't come to me.

Nikki: I just know that if that happened to me I'd want somebody to tell me. Wouldn't you?

Ava: The point is it was none of our business. And now-

(The doorbell rings)

(Ava opens the door and Bradin is there with the cops)

Cop: Ms Greggory.

Scene goes to Erika having some drinks with her friends at a outdoor bar

(Jay walks up)

Erika: I wondered if you would show up.

(She goes to kiss him but he backs away)

(He walks away and she follows)

Jay: Nikki told me about you and Tate

Erika: I can explain

Jay: There's nothing to explain.

Erika: There is.

Jay: I guess we're moving too fast for Erika

Erika: Jay, it's not like that.

(They stop. Jay looks at her and starts to walk away)

(Erika grabs his arm. He's pissed)

Erika: Don't you get it?

Jay: No I don't get it!!

Erika: I have to be sure. You took me here once before.

Jay: Really? What place is that?

Erika: The place where all I do is think about you day and night. The place where I feel this ache inside whenever I'm not with you. The place where I feel safe and protected when I'm lying next to you.

Jay: So you go to your old boyfriend to make sure that things are still right between us?

Erika: I didn't go to him he came to me and I'm glad he did because now I know. Now I'm sure.

Jay: Sure about what?!

Erika: Sure that I don't want anything or anyone to come between us.

Jay: It's a waste of time Erika. There's nothing between us.

(Jay walks away and she crys)

Scene goes to Bradin and Ava out on the back patio

Ava: Would you like me to start? Because really I'd rather hear it from you.

Bradin: It was stupid

Ava: Sorry that's not good enough. Would you like to elaborate?

Bradin: I was just locking up and then she showed up. And one thing led to another and...

Ava: Look Bradin, Sarah scares me. I never thought a 16 year old could scare me but she really does. What?

Bradin: She scares me too.

Ava: Well honey, there must be some way to contact her parents.

Bradin: I doubt it, and even if we could they just...don't care.

Ava: Honey, you do understand she needs-

Bradin: Help? Yeah, I know that. I don't know how I didn't see it. A sign, something.

Ava: Well how could you have?

Bradin: I was kind of focused on other things.

Scene goes to Derrick, Susannah, and Johnny rock climbing. Susannah is coming down the rock on the rope

Johnny: C'mon, there ya go. Keep comin'. That's it.

Susannah: Yeahhh!!

Johnny: Yeaahhhh!!

Susannah: Don't I look as fabulous as I feel?

Johnny: Okay you're scaring me.

Susannah: (To Derrick) To we make a good team or what champ? (Derrick doesn't answer) Derrick?

Johnny: You need a hand with that?

Derrick: No.

Johnny: You know there's a trick to that. You just have to twist and push that little lever and-

Derrick: I said I got it.

(Derrick walks away)

Johnny: Whoa whoa, what's up amego?

Derrick: Nothing.

Scene goes to Sarah and Ava having coffee

Ava: Sarah, thank you for agreeing to see me.

Sarah: First of all, let me just say how sorry I am. It was such a horrible misunderstanding.

Ava: Stealing a jetski? Sarah, how is that a misunderstanding?

Sarah: I know how it looks but I thought it was a friend's. Really! You can imagine how shocked I was.

Ava: Putting that aside what did you think you were doing riding it through the pier at night? Sarah do you realize you both could have been killed?

Sarah: Look, I'm really sorry about all this. I didn't mean to get Bradin in trouble.

Ava: Bradin's not in trouble. It's...I'm concerned about you Sarah. I wanted to call your parents but Bradin said they're out of the country.

Sarah: Already back in Tabet right now.

Ava: It must be hard on you...not having them around.

Sarah: Even when they're around they're like... around.

Ava: Look, what I'm saying is-

Sarah: I know what you're saying Ms Greggory. I've gotten this speech before. I think it would be better if you didn't see fill in the blank anymore. Fine. It's a shame though because I really like Bradin. Alot.

Ava: And Bradin likes you too. It's just that Bradin is also concerned about you.

Sarah: Concerned? What does that mean? Concerned?

Ava: You climb up the side of our house in the middle of the night blasting music?

Sarah: I already explained.

Ava: I know. Romantic. And then you show up at brunch unannounced?

Sarah: I wanted to meet you! My boyfriend's family. For God's sakes he had sex with me Ms Greggory okay? I take that as a serious commitment.

Ava: Sarah-

Sarah: Just...God just leave me alone.

Scene goes to Erika sitting on a rock by the water

(Nikki walks up)

Nikki: Hi

Erika: Coming to check up on me? See if I'm behaving myself?

Nikki: I'm sorry.

Erika: You should be.

Nikki: I know.

Erika: All this time I thought we were friends. I guess I'm what some speciman under a jar or something? Something to amuse you? The dumb surfer chick let's see what happens when I mess with her.

Nikki: No. No it's not like that at all. I thought I was doing something good but now I realize that I was the dumb one.

Erika: It's my stupid fault anyway. I always think I can solve puzzles and then I realize I'm terrible at them.

Nikki: Are they as complicated as Aunt Ava says? Relationships with adults?

Erika: Yes.

Nikki: Then I want no part in them.

Erika: I said it's a puzzle.

Nikki: Do you love Jay?

Erika: Yes. God yes.

(They hug)

Scene goes to Johnny and Derrick

Johnny: You were really uncool back there. You want to tell me what's up?

Derrick: This isn't what we planned. What I planned. It was supposed to be you, me, and aunt Ava.

Johnny: Uh, you're not making much sense here my man.

Derrick: I saw you. Last night, you and Susannah kissing.

Johnny: Y-You what? No we...

Derrick: I saw you and I don't get how you can be doing that when you're supposed to be with aunt Ava.

Johnny: Uh, look Derrick, w-we're not-

Derrick: You love aunt Ava. And aunt Ava loves you.

Scene goes to Bradin running out of the water from surfing.

(Sarah appears)

Sarah: Aren't you the wimp.

Bradin: Sarah...

Sarah: Sending your aunt to do your dirty work.

Bradin: I didn't. Actually, I don't even know how she got your number.

Sarah: Guess she's resourceful.

Bradin: I'm sorry.

Sarah: Whatever.

Bradin: Sarah, I just want to help you.

Sarah: Oh saint Bradin from Playa Linda coming to help the poor little rich crazy girl.

Bradin: No no that's not it.

Sarah: You're just like everybody else.

Bradin: I'm not. I like you. I like you alot.

Sarah: You only like me because I put out.

Bradin: That's not true. You are not like any other person I've ever met. Ever and I mean that in a good way. I think...I think that-

Sarah: Mr fix it. Just like everybody else. Guess what. You can't fix it. I can't fix it. No one can.

Bradin: Isn't it worth a shot?

Sarah: You have no idea how lucky you are

Bradin: How am I lucky, Sarah?

Sarah: Your parents are dead. Atleast you know why they're not around. My parents just aren't. Mine just aren't. Ever. They hate me. (Bradin goes to touch her) Don't. Nobody cares about me!

Bradin: I do Sarah. I care about you.

Scene goes to Susannah, Johnny and Derrick

Johnny: Hit the head my man. We've got a long drive.

(Derrick walks away)

Johnny: You know that nice moment of bonding we had last night. You and me under the stars. You and me under the stars.

Susannah: You mean he thought romance?

Johnny: Yeah.

Susannh: And that made him mad? I think I'm offended.

Johnny: Yeah you see that's only half the crazy part. He has this crazy idea that uh Ava and I are are in love with each other

Susannah: Kids huh?

Johnny: Yeah

Susannah: So what did you say?

Johnny: Well what did I say? I-I-I set him straight. Ava and I dated a long time ago but her, me, us, that you know that's uh not in the cards

Susannah: No

Johnny: No of course not.

Susannah: Of course not.

Scene goes to Ava in the upstairs living room and Nikki walking in

Ava: Hey. What's wrong?

Nikki: I-I screwed up. I really really need your help.

Scene goes to Ava and Jay walking out of his room

Ava: Because I'm your friend. That's why.

Jay: Fine but I was sleeping Ava. I really want-

Ava: Oh c'mon it's the middle of the day. Here sit down. Okay, when you thought I knew something about Erika you thought I should tell you, right?

Jay: Yeah

Ava: Okay, I know something about Erika

Jay: Haven't we had this conversation?

Ava: No, this is the conversation where I keep you from burrying your head in the sand. Erika!

(Erika walks out)

Ava: C'mon he won't bite. I promise.

Jay: Look Ava (Gets up) I appreciate-

Ava: Shhhh shhh listen to what she has to say. (To Erika) He's all yours

(Ava starts to walk away)

Erika: We have to learn to trust each other Jay

Jay: And why is that? I mean, we-

(Ava gives up a look and he shuts up)

Jay: Okay, I'm listening.

(Ava then leaves)

Erika: I love you, Jay. And you don't have to love me back I'm not asking for anything like that. And I'd really hate it if you said cause you think that's what I want to hear but...I know how I feel. I'm sorry. I should have told you about Tate. But it took us a long time to get here Jay in a good place and I didn't want to lose that

(He kisses her)

Scene goes to Johnny, Susannah, and Derrick

Johnny: Well we came, we climbed, we conquered huh? Can you hand me the-

(Derrick walks away)

Susannah: You ready to leave sweetheart?

(Derrick walks away from her too)

Susannah: You know, Johnny told me what you thought about last night. Johnny's great but he and I...it's not even on the radar. We're just friends. But you know, the other thing. Johnny and Ava between you and me, and I will deny I ever said this, I think you're on to something.

Derrick: You do?

Susannah: Adults are weird if you haven't already noticed. They scare easy. You can't make them nervous. I know you want this to happen but you have to let them figure it out. Okay?

(Derrick nods)

Susannah: Our little secret?

(Derrick nods again and they shake on it.)

Johnny: Alright let's ride rock dogs.

Scene goes to Nikki pacing up in her room

(Ava comes up)

Ava: Well don't go making any wedding plans for them but I think that catastrophy has been averted.

Nikki: Thank you. I am so never medalling again.

Ava: Well truth be told Nikki, you might have been right in the first place. We are a family and secrets are a (something) we can't afford.

Nikki: So this means you're not disowning me?

Ava: No! But as for keeping deals

Nikki: I know I got it.

Scene goes to Jay, Ava, Erika, and Nikki in the kitchen

Nikki: What do you think Jay?

Jay: Nope! Gone with the wind...doesn't go for me.

Ava: Really? Hey do we have any barbeque sauce?

Jay: Yep. I'm more of a butch and sundance kind of guy.

Nikki: Butch and Sundance?

Jay: Everybody knows who Butch and Sundance are?

Erika: Who are Butch and Sundance?

Johnny, Susannah, and Derrick come in the front door

Johnny: We have been to the mountain!

Susannah: And we have concquered it.

Ava: They had escalators?

Susannah: Very funny! Johnny let her know how it went.

Johnny: Well she's a natural. No doubt about it.

Ava: (To Derrick) What about you honey? You have a good time? Keep these two in line?

Derrick: It was awesome! There was this one mountain is was like a chimney it went straight up! And I had to force my canning device into one of the smallest crevises you've ever seen!

Ava: Really? Oh please, wash your hands first before you eat that. (To Johnny) And how about you superman? Did you have a good time?

Johnny: Ah yeah. The best.

Ava: You wanna help me w ith dinner?

Johnny: Uh I need to chuck these clothes and shower. I smell like a um well I'm not sure what I smell like.

Ava: I don't know.

(Bradin walks in)

Bradin: Hey guys

Ava: Yeah?

Bradin: What's for dinner

Ava: Uh barbeque

Bradin: Oh well great. Is it okay if I brought a guest?

(Sarah walks in and everyone freezes)


Source:TWIZ TV

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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